Wednesday, 2 January 2013

A little bit of Resolve

Millions of Aussies rang in the New Year with the best intentions to turn their lives around. The first day of the 2013 was inspiring enough to excite change and commitment across the country. Whether it was to get into shape, find a new job, quit smoking or pay off debts, on January 1, 2013 the country's resolutions were a sure thing.

So here we are on January 3, 2013 and more than half the country has already abandoned their resolutions. Those who vowed to get into shape have snuck the last Christmas mince pie from the fridge. Smokers have already had two absolute LAST smokes, and people in debt have applied for another credit card to help pay off their Christmas spending spree.

The best thing about New Year Resolutions is that we have the whole year to do something about it. Rome wasn't built in a day, and we can't change a lifetime of habits overnight, so if you have encountered a minor set back on your resolution, don't be discouraged.

Being successful in your resolution simply requires a plan. Twelve months worth of small obstacles for you to overcome to eventually reach your goal.

For example, smokers can begin the year by cutting back. Then they can plan to trial different methods of quitting until they find one to suit them. Once they have, they must commit to their plan until they quit.

If you want a new job, think about what is making you unhappy in your current one, brainstorm a job you would like to get, improve your resume, advance your skill set and set out on a job hunt to find one.

Setting smaller goals will help you feel like you are getting places with your resolution.

If you are in debt, you need to take a deep breath and step back from your situation. You might feel like your whole world is falling down around you and there is just no way out. Well there is.

Firstly, you need to know exactly how much you owe and to who. Tally up the outstanding amounts on all your debts including your credit cards. Depending on how much you owe, there are different solutions available to you.

You could simply require a strict budget to get back on track, or you could need to engage in a Debt Agreement, Consolidate your loans, refinance or even declare bankruptcy.

The second thing you need to do is ask for help. The professional Case Managers at Debt Rescue can help you determine the best course of action for you.

You aren't alone in our struggle, whether you ask a doctor, a personal trainer or debt management professionals for help.

Good luck on your journey to your new and improved life. I just know you will be proud of yourself by 2014.


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