Thursday, 11 April 2013

Free Financial Assistance in Australia

One of life's most stressful experiences is having a bill and not being able to pay it.
Almost every Australian has experienced this frightful situation once in their lives, whether they were uni students learning to juggle their money, recently separated parents adjusting to the new income levels or someone who has lost their job or been injured and doesn't have any income at all.
If you have ever been in a situation where you can't pay a bill, you will know the stress, panic and anxiety involved.
You will also know how isolating it feels when you have nowhere to turn for help.
While countries across the globe are experiencing economic disasters, Australia is slowly and cautiously feeling its way through these uncertain times.
The government of each State and Territory in Australia has introduced benefits, schemes, discounts and assistance to ensure Aussies who are struggling with their bills are given a fair go.
While the assistance offered in each State and Territory varies, residents can expect to find financial help with paying utility bills, rent, mortgage, medical costs and everyday essential purchases. You can also find free financial counselling to develop a plan to get your money back on track.
For a full list of free financial services available in each State and Territory, follow the links below.

Free Financial Assistance

Queensland | New South Wales | Victoria | Australian Capital Territory | Norhtern Territory |Western Australia | South Australia | Tasmania

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